Tips on Creating a Harmonious Household

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For any married couple is certainly their long-term dream is to always create a harmonious household ambiance, comfortable, and always make each other happy. Creating a happy household or family is not as easy to talk about it because in practice a lot of things that make the ambiance in the household become cloudy, causing inconvenience for couples and children in later.

Usually begins with small quarrels that if left without completed it will create major problems in the household, Small fuss in the household that should be resolved through mutual talk about each other's ideas without emotional attitude. Here are tips for creating a harmonious household that hopefully if applied would be beneficial to us all:
  1. Mutual being honest and open with your partner. Avoid doing a lie or conceal a secret.
  2. Mutual tried to create a pleasant atmosphere in the family. Communicate and exchange ideas are best to create a pleasant atmosphere.
  3. Avoid emotional and self-centered attitude in dealing with family issues. Be wise in dealing with problems.
  4. Make a long-term commitment with a partner.
  5. Stresses togetherness in the family.
  6. Wise and resolute in the face of problems and always uphold religious teachings.
  7. Do not bring problems from the outside into the household.
  8. Give your full attention to the children and their future.
  9. Get used to a healthy lifestyle in the family.
  10. Selecting a location good place to live for families.
  11. Establish a relationship with your family is a good partner.
  12. Pay attention to the surrounding environment and socialize well.

Sometimes couples that who work, will feel their relationship is not intimate anymore like when their first married. Some research proves, to revive the marital relationship as when first married, they need to spend time together as a honeymoon again (re-honeymoon), it is likely to make the relationship will be improved.

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